Tuesday 12 March 2013

Somogyi Phenomenon: a nice information for budding pharmacists

Somogyi Phenomenon

In the 1930, Dr. Michael Somogyi speculated that hypoglycemia during the late evening induced by insulin could cause a counter regulatory hormone response that produces hyperglycemia in the early morning.This phenomenon is actually less common than the dawn phenomenon, which is an abnormal early morning increase in the blood glucose level because of natural changes in hormone levels

The causes of Somogyi phenomenon include excess or ill-timed insulin, missed meals or snacks, and inadvertent insulin administration.Unrecognized post hypoglycemic hyperglycemia can lead to declining metabolic control and hypoglycemic complications 

Although no data on frequency are available, Somogyi phenomenon is probably rare. It occurs in diabetes mellitus type 1 and is less common in diabetes mellitus type 2. With proper identification and management, the prognosis for Somogyi phenomenon is excellent, and there is no evidence of long-term sequelae.
Instruct patients in proper identification of symptoms of hypoglycemia, insulin dose, timing of meals, and insulin administration.

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